Friday 29 April 2011

how to save your images for the web

I just opened up Gracely Designs to post my saving images, and I did a double take at the followers widget.
63 people like my blog enough to get updates of it! Holla!
That makes me so happy. I mean, I only have 25 posts!

Well, that made my day, now moving on to our last photoshop tutorial before going back to our regular blog design posts. I have a few in mind that I will post in the next few weeks, so stay tuned y'all!
now, moving on to how to resize for web. i'm a rule follower at heart so credit needs to be given where credit needs to be given... i learned this from my mom, rachel at and then she {snapped}. i think she just thought this up by herself!

first step... open your photo and do all of your pretty editing stuff to it!

once you're happy with your photo, go to File > Save for web. This box will pop up.

Don't worry, it's OK. Just click "yes".
Now, you get to this page.

First thing we're gonna do is change is "Custom" to Jpeg High, Medium, or Low. Here's an example of all three.




So, as you can see, the quality goes up or down (Low being the lowest quality) so it's really just up to what you're using the photo for. For blog posts, I usually use High, but keep in mind that I do XLG pictures that take up most of my blog, so it has to be pretty high quality. If you're doing Medium or Small photos, Jpg medium or low would be fine.

So, this is where you change from "Custom" to "Jpg High/Low/Medium".

Next you're going to change the numbers (you can see where on the photo below) to make the Width 800. It will automatically change the height.

When you're done with that, well, you're done!
If you have any questions, email or leaving a comment is the best way of contacting me.
But really, how else would you contact me!?
Happy Friday guys.


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog. And under different circumstances i could definetly say yes! But right now every cent I have (which isn't much) is going towards Summer camp. So I'm sooo sorry, but I won't be able to accept. But thank you so I really appreciate it.
